To understand where they were coming from I asked them for some insight into why they felt that way. What I'm learning is that they are falling for the same old tricks that happen every single election year.
Every year we're given two choices, and with those two choices comes the fear-mongering talking points from both sides. The left tells us why the right's candidate is so dangerous to our country, while the right tells us why the left's candidate will be just as dangerous if not worse. The back and forth leaves us all dizzy and confused, as they want us. Then we take that cocktail of fear and confusion into the voting booth come Election Day.
This year is a bit different. See, in the past, candidates on both sides have had some redeeming qualities, some more than others, but that has helped them along the campaign trail. But this year, it seems voters are finding more to dislike about our choices than ever before. How long will it be before Hillary's gender can no longer continue to carry the weight of her negative image? How long before Trump's ego finally catches up to him and the public wises up to his antics?
I've seen unenthusiastic and undecided voters say that Trump is far worse than Hillary. She's the "lesser of two evils" they'd say. He's far more dangerous because he said this or that. I noticed that everyone is so hyper-focused on the "this or that" but not on the "said" part.
My point is, Trump says a lot of dangerous stuff. But what about Hillary? Hillary actually did a lot of dangerous stuff when she was first lady, senator of NY and then as Secretary of State. I truly believe actions speak louder than words, and it's Hillary's actions that have me far more concerned about her ability to be our Commander in Chief than anything Trump could say at this point.
Let's take a look at Trump's words vs Hillary's actions
On race relations being affected:
I've heard this talking point, about how "Trump is terrible for black and brown people in the US". The same people telling us this are the same people in a political party that has done virtually nothing to stop the rise of race relations and tensions in America right now.
I read a tweet a few days back where someone said something so profound it caused me to pause and think this whole thing out. To paraphrase, it said that that "at least Republicans don't pretend to care about us [minorities]". I've always seen the Democratic party as the champion for minorities and the Republican party as the racists and bigots who do everything possible to trample our civil liberties. While I definitely don't condone the racism and bigotry, I have to agree with the poster who called the Democrats out on that. At least the Republicans are upfront on how/what they feel. Democrats will lie to our faces then go behind closed doors and say what they really feel. Fake friends can do far more hurt and damage to you than someone who isn't your friend at all.
Truth is, Trump may say racist and bigoted stuff, but Hillary's track record shows her actions are far more racist and bigoted. Hillary called black kids "super predators" (a term used by racist conservatives to refer to black kids breaking the law). She said they had "no conscience" "no empathy" and that they needed to be "brought to heel." She actively championed for a crime bill that would put more police on the streets and more minorities in jail. A crime bill that would enact a "three strikes" law that she actively and openly supported, that would put habitual offenders (and at times targeted minorities) in jail for good instead of helping rehabilitate them. A crime bill that her husband signed into law with a big smile on his face as the pen hit the paper. When he left office, the US had the highest rate of incarcerations in the world. I didn't see her worried about minorities when she championed for welfare reform which did not help but actually hurt poor minority families. She was proud of her part in welfare reform and even wrote about it in her book.
Some will say "well, she isn't Bill and shouldn't be held responsible for what he did in office". But Hillary likes to tell everyone how much she actively worked to help Bill while he was president (which she did). There's a joke that his presidency was a "two for the price of one." These are all things she actively and openly pushed for during his presidency. She wasn't sitting around decorating the White House for 8 years.
She can say all the wants now about how there were things that were bad about that bill, but I don't see any proof of her actively fighting against those bad parts of the bill while she was actively supporting it back then. The only time I see her interested in the issues that a hurting the people the crime bill affected most are right now, when she conveniently needs our votes.
Hillary said she listened to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. speak and it inspired her as a young girl. But what she did years later after hearing Dr. King, was join the campaign staff of the ultra-conservative (anti-civil rights movement) Barry Goldwater. The list could go on, but I'm not convinced that the Clintons are good for race relations. I'm pretty sure they're just as racist as Trump, but they're more quiet about it, which is just as dangerous if not more.
I've heard this talking point, about how "Trump is terrible for black and brown people in the US". The same people telling us this are the same people in a political party that has done virtually nothing to stop the rise of race relations and tensions in America right now.
I read a tweet a few days back where someone said something so profound it caused me to pause and think this whole thing out. To paraphrase, it said that that "at least Republicans don't pretend to care about us [minorities]". I've always seen the Democratic party as the champion for minorities and the Republican party as the racists and bigots who do everything possible to trample our civil liberties. While I definitely don't condone the racism and bigotry, I have to agree with the poster who called the Democrats out on that. At least the Republicans are upfront on how/what they feel. Democrats will lie to our faces then go behind closed doors and say what they really feel. Fake friends can do far more hurt and damage to you than someone who isn't your friend at all.
Truth is, Trump may say racist and bigoted stuff, but Hillary's track record shows her actions are far more racist and bigoted. Hillary called black kids "super predators" (a term used by racist conservatives to refer to black kids breaking the law). She said they had "no conscience" "no empathy" and that they needed to be "brought to heel." She actively championed for a crime bill that would put more police on the streets and more minorities in jail. A crime bill that would enact a "three strikes" law that she actively and openly supported, that would put habitual offenders (and at times targeted minorities) in jail for good instead of helping rehabilitate them. A crime bill that her husband signed into law with a big smile on his face as the pen hit the paper. When he left office, the US had the highest rate of incarcerations in the world. I didn't see her worried about minorities when she championed for welfare reform which did not help but actually hurt poor minority families. She was proud of her part in welfare reform and even wrote about it in her book.
Some will say "well, she isn't Bill and shouldn't be held responsible for what he did in office". But Hillary likes to tell everyone how much she actively worked to help Bill while he was president (which she did). There's a joke that his presidency was a "two for the price of one." These are all things she actively and openly pushed for during his presidency. She wasn't sitting around decorating the White House for 8 years.
She can say all the wants now about how there were things that were bad about that bill, but I don't see any proof of her actively fighting against those bad parts of the bill while she was actively supporting it back then. The only time I see her interested in the issues that a hurting the people the crime bill affected most are right now, when she conveniently needs our votes.
Hillary said she listened to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. speak and it inspired her as a young girl. But what she did years later after hearing Dr. King, was join the campaign staff of the ultra-conservative (anti-civil rights movement) Barry Goldwater. The list could go on, but I'm not convinced that the Clintons are good for race relations. I'm pretty sure they're just as racist as Trump, but they're more quiet about it, which is just as dangerous if not more.
Hillary said she listened to Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. speak and it inspired her as a young girl. But what she did years later after hearing Dr. King, was join the campaign staff of the ultra-conservative (anti-civil rights movement) Barry Goldwater. The list could go on, but I'm not convinced that the Clintons are good for race relations. I'm pretty sure they're just as racist as Trump, but they're more quiet about it, which is just as dangerous if not more.
On building a wall and deporting undocumented immigrants:
I'm not going to defend Trump on any of this. I want to start out by clearing that up. I don't think we should have a fence or a wall or anything else. But, I am here to merely point out that Trump's an idiot. He is saying this all on fear-based emotions. He's the kind of paranoid guy who buys an alarm system for his home, and security cameras, and puts up a fence, and sets booby traps around his property. Not because he hates a certain race of people, but because two of his neighbors were recently robbed and he is scared he'll be next. That's the type of fear running through Trump's and many other conservative's minds when they say things like they want to build a wall.But let's not forget that Hillary was the one who actually voted for a border fence though. And no, it's not some chain linked fence. It's a WALL that is called a fence.
Trump says he wants to deport illegal immigrants, but the Democrats under Obama are already doing it! More deportations are happening under Obama than happened under any of the other sitting presidents in the last few decades. Does anyone think this will change under Hillary?
Credit: Reuters article |
If you believe it will change under Hillary, you're delusional. Just a year before she started her campaign for president, she said that we should send children fleeing from violent Central American countries back to where they came from in order to send a political message. The message? “We have to send a clear message: Just because your child gets across the border, that doesn’t mean the child gets to stay." Those are her exact words.
Now I can understand if her views have changed since she said that. Her views changing don't alarm me. It's good for people evolve in their thinking and I appreciate it when they do. What alarms me is that we've learned the hand she played in helping create the violence in at least one of those Central American countries, Honduras. How can she refuse to send the President of Honduras back to his country in order to protect him, but will send innocent kids back into the dangerous area? My concern is that we now see the true Hillary behind closed doors, out of the public eye. Nobody to pander to for votes.
Now when she smiles at us and tells us she'll be the better choice for immigrants, all I can truly see are the actions she took to help perpetuate unrest in Central America. Now knowing she had a hand in that, it sickens me even more that less than a year before launching her campaign, she still advocated sending children back to those countries. Countries that parents of those children determined were less safe than a long, dangerous and unaccompanied journey in order to flee them.
On refugees:
Remember that fear-based fence thing I mentioned with Trump? Same goes for refugees. Trump is scared, as is his base of followers. They don't want ISIS to "get in" and they don't truly know what ISIS is or how it operates. They assume it's comprised of "all Muslims," and it isn't. They assume it's limited to "people living in or coming from the Middle East," and it isn't. There is a lot Trump and his followers need to learn.Trump says he wants to ban Muslim refugees from coming into the United States, because he worries terrorists will sneak in along with them. While I am a strong advocate for helping the refugees in any way that we can, I also have to take a step out of this smaller situation and think about the bigger picture of it all.
Do you think the refugees wanted to come here? Do you think they wanted to lose their homes, jobs, families, valuables, and take only the clothes on their back as they fled their home country which is being torn apart? Do you think anyone wants that? Just close your eyes for a second and imagine it's you living that horror.
Hillary voted for the Iraq war. That war led to the toppling of Saddam Hussain which paved the way for the rise of ISIS. She's since apologized for her vote, but do you think it taught her a lesson? No. She later pushed for an overthrow of Gaddafi, which once done, again paved the way for ISIS. Either she is completely clueless (which then she definitely shouldn't be president) or she's secretly on whatever side is funding ISIS (I expect Saudi Arabia, which would make sense in her case since they donate massive amounts of money to her Clinton Foundation). Honestly, she can't be that stupid.
We were knee-deep in a pile of shit when it came to Iraq, then waste deep when you added in Syria. Now, thank's to Hillary's intervention in Libya, we're up to our necks in it.
We've got a mass exodus of people fleeing these war torn countries with not many places to go. Those staying are either being killed or recruited by ISIS (which option would you go with?). Or they're being killed by the opposing side. All the while, we have to remember she voted for and advocated for all of this.
I don't trust she can now fix it without causing more harm. It's like when someone breaks something, and then tries to fix it but it just keeps breaking it further. At what point do you take that thing away from the person and put it in more capable hands? I'm not saying Trump is more capable, mind you. I'm simply stating a point.
Any person who can say this in 2014 and then less than a decade later do the exact same thing, and blame the president for what we all know she actively pushed for? Obama called it the worst mistake of his presidency, and her leaked emails with Sydney Blumenthal prove she was the one responsible for pushing Obama to agree to action in Libya.
She's already talking about launching an attack on Iran if they attack Israel. He words were that "we would totally obliterate them." Can we just stop and think about that for a second? Those were Hillary's words, not Trump's...
We need a president who will stop the perpetual wars so refugees can go home where want to be. I don't see Hillary (or Trump) being the answer to that. But 4 years of Trump then getting a true Progressive candidate in office who can get it done, sounds like a better plan than 8 more years of war under Hillary, before we can elect someone who will change things. That's my opinion.
On terrorist's family members and killing innocent people
Trump said he would go after the innocent families of terrorists in order to teach them a lesson (he then backtracked said he never said "kill them" just "go after" them). But Hillary already does that when she votes for wars and regime changes in countries that breed terrorists and then votes to continue to bombs those very same countries after terrorists groups pop up from the ashes.Just last week the Obama administration bombed a village in northern Syria killing upwards to 100 INNOCENT people, including women and children. That happened under our DEMOCRATIC administration- who in the past 8 years has been accused of doing that far more often than not. You think that will magically stop under a Hillary presidency?
With Hillary, there is certainly no end in sight to the wars she will get involved in. Hillary has never met a war she didn't vote against. It doesn't matter if Trump or Hillary get into office, innocent people in these war torn countries are about as safe under a Hillary presidency as they were under an Obama one, or a Bush one.
On dangers to our national security and going to war
Let's put Hillary's email server issues aside for a second, because we all know thanks to the FBI that Hillary's actions regarding her email server were careless and potentially dangerous to our national security.Our national security also means the overall safety of our nation and the people in it. This week, North Korea announced they feel we've declared of war against them with the sanctions the Obama administration placed on them. They have been itching to go to war with us, but let's face it, they are too weak to win against us and no matter how many missiles they test in order to flex their muscles, the whole world knows this. But, if only there were a larger force they could join with to defeat us? Say, maybe like the world's largest country with the world's second largest military? Yes, I'm talking about Russia. The very Russia that Hillary just insulted by claiming they were behind the #DNCLeaks. The same Hillary who enraged Putin when (ironically) she accused him of of election fraud in 2011. The water between Russia and the US has been heating up for some time now. Just at the beginning of this month the US and Russia both expelled each other's diplomats from their countries. If Hillary gets into office
At least North Korean likes Trump, and apparently so does Putin. Whereas with Hillary, Russia has a pretty uneasy history with her (and North Korea already doesn't respect her or the US). While those things may not be a redeeming qualities Trump in the eyes of most in the US, anyone who doesn't feel like being drafted to go to World War III against Russia and it's angry allies may want to take a long hard look at those facts. We need someone in office who can form a respectable establish diplomatic relations with Russia, not do what Hillary did, which was poke the sleeping bear before even getting into office. The last thing we need is a nuclear stand off with Russia and North Korea joining in.
On dangers of having access to the nuclear codes
Given my last point, at this moment nine nations in the world currently have nuclear weapons. Here is the list:Photo Credit: Business Insider article |
As you can see from that list, the only powerful nation that comes close to our nuclear arsenal is Russia. Does anyone for a second think Trump would just throw a tantrum and nuke Russia, or any of those other nations, for no reason? No. The idea that this is even an argument is ridiculous.
First, there is no "nuclear button". It's not like he just opens his desk and presses this big red button. There would need to be proper channels he'd have to go through before legitimately nuking Russia. He'd have to meet with his security team and advisors and discuss the pros and cons. He may be a hot head but it's doubtful that he wouldn't have some level headed people in his administration to tell him "no, we aren't nuking Russia because Putin insulted you."
Hillary on the other hand, seems to surround herself with other war hawks. She's friends with lobbyists and higher ups at companies that make billions in profit on the wars we engage in. Her strings are being pulled by the same puppeteers who want us to continue engaging in wars that give us access to oil, gold, and political influence in foreign nations. These wars around the world will continue under a Clinton administration until they all start to merge and form one large war, and we all know how the last World War ended.
If anything, I see that "button being pressed" with Hillary finger on it, more so than I do with Trump's. Don't for one second think nuclear war is a Democrat vs Republican thing either, because the only president to ever "push that button" was a Harry Truman, a Democrat.
Aiding and abetting in criminal behavior:
Thanks to the #DNCLeaks, many of us now know that with the help of the media and the establishment, Hillary lied, cheated and stole her way to the nomination. We all heard the FBI's report on her private server and deleted emails, and it definitely wasn't a glowing reference for the job she is hoping to get hired for in November. We all have our eye on the Clinton Foundation and the strange dealings that go on around and within it. Many of us fully expect some more information to come out on that soon, especially now that the IRS is investigating them over concerns of unethical behavior and dealings.
These investigations that keep popping up around the Clintons and is a 50/50 chance that more scandals will come out each new day as the election draws closer. But all of these investigations take time, and that's something we're running low on. Imagine the Clinton Foundation is under deep investigation and there may honestly be something there, something important that could actually take down the Clinton family. But by the time they figure it out, Hillary is already president and she and her Democratic controlled Congress have the perfect advantage to burry everything.
The way I see it, by electing Hillary as president we'd not only be sending a message that what the Democrats did this election season was okay, but we'd be allowing a potential criminal the ability to hold the highest public office and therefore have the power to make all her wrongdoings disappear before ever seen by the public eye. Just remember all the people pardoned under Bill Clinton who otherwise would be in jail right now for various scandals they had their hands in.
On Jobs
Trump says he'll bring jobs back and because I haven't seen his plans on how to do that, I can't speak for his claims. I have however heard him say that the trade deals we have are a disaster. Whether he means that or not, I can't be sure. What I do know is that Hillary has actually given us disastrous trade policies like NAFTA, CFTA, PNTR, etc. which helped damage the middle class by taking away good paying jobs. She's voted for, championed for, lobbied for, etc. all of these. Do you truly believe a woman who called the TPP the "gold standard" will do everything in her power to fight against the worst trade deal in the history of our country? No. I don't. Trump has come out openly against the TPP while Obama is still trying to get it fast tracked through Congress. What does that tell you?
And so on, and so forth
Honestly, at this point, there are pros and cons of both candidate, but for me, the cons of Hillary outweigh the pros. Would I love all the progressive things we fought for the Democrats to adopt on their platform? Of course! Do I believe even half of them will happen under a Hillary presidency, not at all. See I feel Hillary only cares about one thing-- herself. She just wants to be the first female president. She's campaigned on that the entire election so far. Do you think the history books will say "Hillary Clinton was the female president of the USA. She didn't keep any of her campaign promises"? No. Everyone will only know the first part and that's all that matters to her.
I'd much rather see Trump get in there for 4 years, try to do some damage but face intense gridlock from a Democratic controlled congress and essentially sit there with his hands tied for four years while progressives regroup and work on finding a Bernie-like candidate to run against him in 2020 and win.
If Hillary wins in November, she'll be in the White House for 8 years, and all the things we're starting to have issues with Obama for will become exponentially worse under Hillary. Obama went into office with aspirations of hope and change for progressive agendas and ideas. "New Democrats" like the Clintons pushed Obama more center as time went on.
We cannot allow the Clinton's to continue on. They have hijacked and completely corrupt the Democratic party and they need to be stopped. The only way to do that is to not allow her to become president. So whether that be you vote for Trump or you vote your conscience/values and vote a 3rd or 4th party candidate instead, either way I truly believe the lesser of two evils isn't Hillary, it's Trump.
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