Thursday, July 28, 2016

I love Bernie! But what do I do now?

I am 29 years old and have been a registered Democrat since the day I became old enough to vote. I happily and proudly supported Obama in 2008 and again 2012. I voted for him because I believed in the "hope and change" he was selling to the American people. I benefited first hand from Obamacare, and was excited at the ability to stay on my father's (excellent) health plan until I was 26. It was a welcomed financial break for me as someone having lived on my own since I was 18, worked full time and paid my own way through college. There were many times over the last 8 years that I was proud of our President, and would defend him to my religious, and therefore conservative/Republican, family members. I trusted Obama and the Democratic party, which is why this year has hurt me in so many ways.

This year I woke up to a lot of things I didn't know or understand about politics, our government, and our involvement and influence all around the world. I travel a lot for work, and I meet people outside of this country who open my eyes to the unfairness around the world but also here at home. I see things other countries have or do that should be no-brainer things we have and do, but we don't. I didn't understand why, until this election season. Until Bernie came along.

Image credit: The Daily Beast

From day one of joining the Bernie Revolution, at the announcement of his campaign, I felt the passion behind the movement. I watched all of his rallies through Youtube sites (since the media never showed them). I joined all the pro-Bernie groups from Reddit For Sanders to any possible group you could find on Facebook. I followed all the pro-Bernie accounts to stay "in the know".

I found myself immediately jumping to defending him to people who didn't know him. I worked furiously to debunk and correct claims against him and his family that were all later proven false or an obvious stretch of the truth in order to create slander. I did tons and tons of research to make sure what I was responding with were facts and not hearsay. I researched validity or political leanings of websites before citing them in arguments, to make sure my argument was logical and that I had a leg to stand on.

I stopped watching the news when they refused to cover him. I learned I loathed CNN, MSNBC, and especially Chris Matthews more than I loathed Fox News or anyone on it. I tried to watch every Bernie rally, to the point that I found myself even standing in line one day at the grocery store live-streaming one of his events because I didn't want to miss it. I was lucky and relieved that my husband loved Bernie as much as I did, because we were able to bond and share in the excitements of his campaign together.

I also got involved locally worked to create a local pro-Bernie group-- in a highly Conservative area of Florida-- and host phone banking parties, sign waving events, canvasing, debate watch parties, car pooling to his rally, etc. Our group went from the three people who started it (myself, my husband and someone we met at a pro-Bernie event) to over 100 people locally. By the time it was Florida's turn to vote, we had a sign waving event of over 30 people and the Bernie bus even came into town to support us.

We lost Florida and it was a devastating blow to many of us who poured our hearts and souls into winning. I, like Bernie, wonder now what I could have done differently. Truth is, not much. Those supporting Hillary had sent in their mail-in-ballots way back in January, a good almost two full months before we went to the polls. Two months before the Florida debate or before a single political ad played on our TVs here. We met tons of No Party Affiliation, Independents and Republicans for Bernie who had to switch party affiliation over a month before voting took place, and many didn't realize that until it was too late.

We could have organized earlier on. Spread the message around. Sign waved back in December or January to push the message - but the Bernie team didn't come to town to give us the "let's organize for Bernie" pep-talk until we had barely any time left to find other Bernie supporters and put a solid plan together. So we did with it what we could, and I truly think he did well in our county regardless. Sure there were times we were cursed at, given the finger, called hateful names, and our lives were even threatened several times by angry Trump supporters. But, in the end, despite the hiccups, I will forever be proud of what we accomplished locally here for Bernie.

I worked all day during the week, then put my time and energy into Bernie on the weekends, and at night, I found myself sucked into the vortex of social media, proudly going to bat as a "keyboard warrior" for Bernie. I was up against Trump fans who didn't understand Bernie's "socialism". I was up against what I know now are many online trolls paid by David Brock's pro-Hillary Super PAC to attack us with false accusations of Bernie while also (falsely) "correcting the record" for Hillary (we called them "Brock Bots"). Then there were the actual Hillary fans who followed the cues from the Brock Bots.

I remember back in 2015, I felt like I was completely alone in my support of Bernie as I fought against the wave of support for Hillary and Trump. Many people who, at the time, were completely ignorant to who Bernie was or what he stood for. The only press Bernie was getting was negative press, if any press at all. The media saw Bernie as a thorn in Hillary's side, so they blacked him out or only covered him when it made him look bad. For example, the mainstream media didn't bother to cover the massive rally in Portland back in the October of 2015. Around 28,000 people attended (20K inside and 8K in the overflow area outside), and that was while he was still being considered by the media as a "fringe candidate":
Photo Credit: Bud Myers Blog

But they had no problem covering him when Black Lives Matter protestors stormed the stage at an event he was a guest speaker for. They slandered him for being weak, when many later saw it as a respectful gesture to give them the microphone, especially when it wasn't even his event. They set the narrative from then on that black people just didn't like Bernie, which was completely untrue.  Later on I'd watch as the media continued to spin that, ignoring the constant protests from Black Lives Matter at the (much smaller) Hillary rallies around the country.

I watched the media talk about the media talk about Hillary having a "firewall of black people" while Bernie had an "aggressive white male" problem (aka "Bernie Bros" as they referred to his supporters). I watched the narrative being spread by all forms of media and was appalled that in the 2016 election, organizations as powerful as they were would be resorting to using blatant racism and sexism to promote one Democratic candidate over the other.

But then I remembered what Obama went through in the 2008 election. The "muslim" accusations spawned from a photo that appeared out of nowhere (oddly enough at the time he was running against Hillary). That photo set the narrative for Trump to later spin the "Birther" lies about our President. I found articles from the 2008 election, where the narrative was "Obama Boys" instead of today's "Bernie Bros".  More sexism. More racism. Only one common denominator in both elections... Hillary Clinton. Later, the DNC leaks would prove our suspicions this was all a collusion between the media, the Democratic National Committee, and the Hillary campaign to push an anti-Bernie narrative and help Hillary's chances of winning the election.

But us "Berners" had social media, which was a force far more powerful than the mainstream media. On social media, and while we were dragged through the mud repeatedly for supporting a "socialist" "Jew" who "never accomplished anything", we fought back armed with facts and truths. I saw us as Bernie's Truth Army - proud (unpaid, mind you) volunteers, supporters who would sometimes forgo sleep at night to stay up late and argue back and fort with someone in defense of the candidate we knew and loved. There were many nights my husband and I would lay next to each other in bed, furiously typing on our cell phones until the early hours of the morning sharing our frustrations with each other over the ignorant people were were talking to. All because we truly believed Bernie was the best candidate to give lead our country and we wanted to help other people understand that too.

Photo Credit: Bernie Sanders Dank Meme Stash

So much hate was being thrown at us from every direction, but a funny thing happens when the candidate of your choice spends the length of his campaign preaching love and unity. People who flock to him start to feel the love and unity. They start to come together as their own community. Some of the pro Bernie friends I've made both online and locally, will be people I will love and appreciate for the rest of my life. Any time I see a Bernie shirt or sign, I'll immediately feel a sense of connection to that person. Like bumping into a childhood friend you haven't seen in years. I felt the love surrounding me at the rally I attended. Bernie brought so many of us together and it was a beautiful thing to be a part of.

There is an authenticity about Bernie that the other candidates in the race just don't have. You can see the arrogance and egotism radiating from Trump at all times. With Hillary, there is an a sense of insincerity and even downright wickedness about her. I made the joke once that Hillary reminds me of a Disney villain while Trump reminds me of her idiot sidekick.

But not with Bernie. With Bernie I saw the love and kindness that radiated from him, even through the TV screen. I saw it when he spoke to his supporters. I saw it when he smiled at his grandkids. I saw it when he would rushed to the aid of a person who fainted on stage near him (happened quite a few times actually). I saw it when he paused his rallies when some in the audience needed medical attention, and wouldn't continue until he knew they were okay. I saw his heart break when he visited Flint, or spoke to people who had lost their jobs, their homes, their loved ones to the issues he promised to address and fix. I saw it in his expression when he toured his old childhood apartment in Brooklyn. I saw it first hand when he would hug his wife, Jane, and wave to the crowd at the end of each rally. I saw it when he looked down lovingly at a little bird in Portland who had felt safe enough to land on his podium and look up at him in interest. And I saw it for myself right there in his eyes when I had the honor to shake his hand at the Tampa rally.
Photo Credit: CNN

Which is why, this week, my heart broke several times. It broke when Wikileaks released the truth we'd known all along, the system was rigged against Bernie and us all. It broke when I listened to his speech and heard him asking us to join forces with him to ensure Hillary wins in November. It broke when he started to cry as his brother invoked the name of their parents who didn't get to live to see what an amazing man their son turned out to be. It broke when Bernie officially lost the nomination to Hillary. And it broke when I felt our movement splinter. And that's exactly what it did. It splintered right before our eyes.

Photo Credit: NBC

I watched as supporters turned to each other and said "what do we do now?" I watched as we all tried to digest the fact that the DNC and Democratic Party elites had actively worked together to tilt the scales in Hillary's favor. I watched as the Bernie delegates and the Philly protesters too to the streets to stand up and speak for the majority of us supporters who were furious that we'd all been robbed of a fair election. That's something I will never forget when I hear anyone in the Democratic party mention the word "democracy" again. In my eyes, democracy died in Philadelphia that night Hillary became the Democratic Presidential nominee.

I now watch as my Bernie friends part ways at the forks in the road. Some are trying to decide if they should follow Bernie's lead and support Hillary. Most flocked to Jill Stein of the Green Party, to carry on the a promise of progressive agendas they believe she'll keep. Others refused to leave the idea of Bernie as our President behind and expect to try and write-him in come November- despite the fact that those votes will most likely not be counted. And some actually went to get behind Trump, as shocking as that may seem.

I was left wondering which way I should go. Immediately I internalized what everyone around me was saying and thought it through. Am I being a "brat" or a "sore loser" (as Hillary supporters have been saying)? Should I just "fall in line" and stop "being ridiculous" (as Sarah Silverman said)? These were all things I heard the media, Democratic elite, and Hillary fans repeating over and over. That raised a red flag for me, because if there was anything I had learned over the last year (and thanks to the DNC Leaks), whatever those three groups of people said were probably complete lies or manipulation tactics.

I had to think long and hard about this, because this election has awoken something inside of me, something I feel the need to continue to fight for.

I love Bernie, but...

It pains me to even utter those words because they are words I've come to loath over the past year. Undecided Democrats would always say to me "I like Bernie, but he'll never win". If every person who told me that actually voted for Bernie, he would have won in a landslide and we wouldn't be looking a candidate who is going into the general election 1 point behind Trump. Before the first debates or TV ads are run.

The "I like ____, but they'll never win" is exactly what is wrong with our political system and exactly why I made the decision to refuse to "fall in line" ever again.

No, I won't vote for Hillary and here is why:

I don't agree in throwing my support behind Hillary over the Supreme Court pick(s). My brother told me he worries somehow, someway, the wrong justices will overthrow the same-sex marriage law. This is nonsense. For starters, same-sex marriage was passed by a conservative leaning Supreme Court. Second, look at the example of interracial marriage. That was made law decades ago and though we've had some terribly conservative judges since (and then) has anyone overthrown that law? No. Because it's not as simple as it sounds. You can't just simply change what the Supreme Court has passed into law. While Congress can write laws they hope to pass in order to counter the same-sex marriage law (such as "freedom of religion law that would allow states and businesses/people within them to refuse to recognize same-sex marriage) it wouldn't make it far enough to be made into a law. Mitch McConnell explained in a July 2015, interview that a law like that wouldn't make it through Congress and "I've always felt that marriage was between one man and one woman. The Supreme Court has held otherwise, that's the law of the land." Same-sex marriage to the Democrats is what the Second Amendment is to Republicans, a scare tactic used to manipulate voters into fearing they have to vote for one over the other for fear one of their civil liberties will be stripped from them.

I also feel that Congress- if the majority is Democrat- will fight him on his Supreme Court picks the same way the Republicans are currently doing. Let's be honest, the replacement for Scalia should be picked by Obama. If the next President picks it, there will be a lot of arguing between both sides over it and not much will be accomplished without compromise on both sides, which will most likely lead to a moderate judge instead of an ultra conservative one.

I don't agree that we need to stick with Hillary to push the progressive platform. While I applaud Bernie, his platform appointees, and the Bernie delegates who worked as hard as they did to get some of our most important agendas on the Democratic platform, I don't trust Hillary in the least to follow through with any of them. I think Bernie is smart to continue to mention all the things passed in the platform so we were aware of what promises she is making to the American people, but there is a reason he did that- even he doesn't trust she'll keep her end of the deal. He did that as insurance. He believes that if she starts to stray from what we passed, we can hold her feet to the fire.

But I'm not as optimistic as Bernie is. See, Hillary has a long standing history of promising one thing and doing another behind closed doors. For example, just look at what her email leaks revealed about her stand on the Columbian Free Trade Agreement. She was against it throughout her 2008 campaign, but as soon as she became Secretary of State she helped lobby for it behind closed doors and out of the public eye. THIS is the Hillary I fear. This is why her approval ratings are the lowest they've ever been for a Democratic nominee. This is why more than 50% of American's don't find her trustworthy or honest.

We all know Trump is a pathological liar, and we all call him on it. But not enough people call Hillary out on the same thing. Trump is a lot of talk, but Hillary is a lot of action and actions always speak louder than words.

I don't trust that she won't pass the TPP after promising not to. I don't trust that she will keep her word on the platform we co-created. And I'll be honest, I don't think she will even care when we call her out on it. You see, Hillary cares about one thing and one thing only-- Hillary, and Hillary wants to be the first female President of the United States. That's all that will matter when her name appears in the history books some day, not whether or not she kept her campaign promises to us. She truly doesn't care about passing progressive agendas. She's a center-left/moderate and for anyone who doesn't understand or agree with that, just research the "New Democrats" and the "Democratic Leadership Council" and see who is at the helm of that ship. The Clintons have hijacked the Democratic party from the days of Jimmy Carter and Bernie was our last fighting chance to get it back from them.

At this point, I trust Trump more not to pass the TPP than I trust Hillary. Hell, just an HOUR after officially being nominated the Democratic candidate, Hillary's close friend, Virginia governor Terry McAuliffe, told a reporter that he knew she'd pass the TPP once in office. Trump picked that information up and ran with it, and it enraged progressive Democrats, some of whom were sitting in the convention at the time of the interview, holding "NO TPP" signs up in protest. It sent her camp into a tizzy and they had to get McAuliffe and his staff to walk-back the claims. I'm sorry, but I don't believe for a second McAuliffe wasn't speaking truthfully the first time. He's know the Clintons and knows them well. Tim Kaine, her VP pick, supported the TPP up until Friday when he was announced as Clinton's running mate. So don't fall in line with Clinton because you expect progressive concessions when she gets into office. History shows it will not happen.

I don't agree that, if Trump becomes President, we will face World War III. Honestly, I feel at this point more confident that it's the opposite, if Hillary becomes President we'll be facing World War III. If there is one thing I've learned this election season it is that Hillary Clinton is a war hawk. For those not fully "awake" during this election, going into details of this won't make much sense and will take too much time. But just for a simple reference, take a look at the DNC leaks. The DNC was caught red handed doing some extremely shady, and possibly illegal, stuff. But immediately Hillary's campaign jumped to it's defense and blamed Russia. Obama followed. Do you understand how dangerous that is? The Cold War started over this very thing, claims and accusations of espionage that spun into a constant back-and-forth of fist raising that each time sent citizens into panic mode (aka "Red Scare"). Do we really want to go back to the days where sirens go off and we hide under our desks, because Russia and the USA are back in a puffy-chest contest? Pushing this sort of narrative is not only dangerous, but irresponsible for a potential Commander in Chief. If this woman wants to be President of the United States, she cannot get into office on day one already in a pissing contest with a country that has the world's second largest military.

Saying you wont let Muslim refugees into your country for fear or terrorism is awful to say, but it's fear-based response to terrorism. Blaming the second most powerful country in the world- one that already is lukewarm about us- for your own problems is a downright perilous and fear-mongering.

As for fear of Trump's finger on the nuclear button that Hillary and Obama keep reminding us of, let's not forget our history. The only President in the history of the United States who ever actually "pushed that button" was Harry Truman... and he was a Democrat.

I don't agree that Hillary is better for women, minorities, LGBTQ, immigrants, etc. We saw more mass deportations under Obama than we ever saw under Bush. We have seen an uptick in police violence and militarization under Obama. We've watched as race relations in this country got far worse under a our first black president. Do I believe they'll get better under Hillary? Not at all. This is Hillary, who advocated sending children refugees fleeing violence back to their Central American countries just to send a political message. One of the same Central American countries who's coup and she played a role in (Honduras). Hillary who takes money from for-profit prisons will all of a suddenly focus on criminal justice reform? The list could go on.

Hillary doesn't care about the civil liberties of people in other countries. She has helped over throw democratically elected governments in other countries. She has pushed for or overthrown dictators that caused civil wars inside of countries. Wars that have destroyed the lives of many because of her influences (Iraq, Syria, Libya, Venezuela, Hondura, etc.).

Hillary also has deep ties to the Saudi family. It's been reported that the Clinton Foundation (currently being investigated by the IRS for essentially being pay-to-play) took millions of dollars in donations from the Saudi royal family- the same one recently linked to 9/11. The same ones who she then approved a massive amount of arms deals to as SOS, after their generous donation. Whether you want to believe the Saudi's are behind much of the distress in the Middle East and Africa - can we all agree that a woman who touts herself as a "feminist" and "champion for LGBTQ rights" should NOT be taking money from a kingdom that still to this day, mistreats, tortures and even kills women and LGBTQ people? How is that okay with people?

I never thought I'd say this, but at least the Republicans don't pretend to hid their bigotry, sexism, and racism.

Hillary isn't good for America, nor is she good for the world. This illusion that we absolutely need to elect a Democrat in order to "save our country" is the exact same argument on both sides of the political sphere. But the funny thing is - both sides are right. Both of our choices are awful and there truly isn't one that is better than the other. For the next four months both sides will be invoking their greatest scare tactics in order to get us to freak out and fall in line like we always do, election after election. Sadly, too many will fall for it.

So what do I plan to do in November?  

I have a pretty clear plan laid out for myself. I am not falling in line. This year it became obvious to me that the two party system we have in place has failed us. We're supposed to be the "land of the free" and the "home of the brave".

We're not free when we're being force-fed candidates because our entire country (government, media, Hollywood, etc) is controlled by two powerful political parties that do everything in their power to silence our other options.

We're not brave when we're sitting here shaking in our boots worrying about the "what if's" of a Trump or Hillary presidency.

We're playing right into their hands when the Republicans warn us how unsafe we are from ISIS under a Democratic administration - forgetting 9/11 happened under Republican one. Or when the Democrats warn us that the Republicans will trample our civil liberties- forgetting that the DNC leaks, major discrepancies in exit poll data, and a current Election Justice lawsuit show that the Democratic Party manipulated what should have been a "democratic" election process, taking the right to vote in a free and fair election away from millions of Americans across the country.

So, this November, my plan is simple. When it comes to the President, I will be voting my conscience and values. I won't be thinking of the "what if's" or worrying if my vote will count. I won't vote for the "lesser of two evils" because I've learned in the past year, both sides are equally evil and both sides need to be stopped. Therefore, I will vote for the person I truly believe has the best platform and the person who has most earned my vote. I don't believe that not voting for Hillary is a slap in Bernie's face. He has said time and time again that this election isn't about the President, it's about us. It's our choice and he supports our right to vote however we choose.

For Congress, my plan is to "vote blue no matter who".  Whether they supported Bernie or Hillary this election-- or whether you plan to vote for Trump, Stein, Johnson, Clinton, or write Bernie in-- it's important we get out there and vote turn the Senate blue so if Trump wins, his hands will be tied. In order to stop the evil on both sides, this needs to be a "fail safe". I fully expect Trump to win in November. Hillary is tanking in the polls, and with the IRS investigation into the Clinton Foundation, Congress returning from recess in September to go back to investigating the FBI/email issues, and Wikileaks planning to release more leaks-- which Julian Assange (found of Wikileaks) has said will be enough to put Hillary in jail-- she will continue to go down in those polls. Who knows what other scandals will pop up around her too. This is the best way to ensure Trump doesn't get into office and go crazy because a Democratic controlled Senate will continue the same gridlock we see right now with Obama and in this case, it could be our saving grace.

Then for the House of Representatives, my plan is to vote out anyone who supported Hillary. Any Democrats (or Republicans) who threw their political influence into the election and endorsed her early on before we even had a chance to listen to what the other candidate(s) had to say. Anyone who campaigned with her or urged their constituents to support her. Anyone who cast a super delegate vote for her. Vote them out/don't vote them in. This is the message we'll send to the establishment.

For local elections, I'll be voting whoever has the most progressive agenda. For now, it will be the Democrat, but I look forward to Bernie's plan to continue on his campaign by pushing to get more down-ticket progressives in office.

Will I be joining the #DemExit? 

Yes. I will. Just not immediately after the convention. On August 30th, my plan is to vote in the Florida primary elections for the most progressive of the two senate choices, as well as other local Democrats/Progressives. Then on August 31st, I will be taking my registration paper down to the Supervisor of Elections and switching to Independent. I urge anyone else participating in the #DemExit to wait and vote in your local primary if you have one.

Why am I leaving? Because the Democratic party obviously doesn't want me. I learned this week from the DNC leaks that the party didn't respect me, my intelligence, my candidate of choice, or my vote for him. Democrats told me time and time again throughout this election that I wasn't a real Democrat because I supported Bernie. Because I watched videos of innocent children and civilians being bombed in Syria by OUR Democratic president, and it sickened me to see. Because I don't believe in a party that can continue to support war, continue to support the Israeli occupation of Palestine, that rigs elections and dangerously deflects the blame to other countries around the world, that promotes and supports regime changes and coups and civil wars in countries that we have something to gain from their collapse. I've learned this year that Republicans are idiots, but Democrats are sly. Both are equally dangerous for different reasons and therefore I want no part of either anymore.

Will I still fight on with Bernie?

Of course! Bernie has spent decades of his life fighting for us. I don't think he "sold out" or "deserted us". I think he knows politics and the games politicians play very well and he knows what he has to do. He wants to keep the congressional caucus seats he'd earned, and he's cost the Democratic party a lot of money running against their "anointed one" in the primary.

But do I think that just because Bernie has to fall in line that I do too? No. It also doesn't mean I have to desert him or everything we've all worked so hard for together. I will happily join Bernie in his fight to put more progressives in office. But Hillary isn't a progressive, so that is where he and I agree to disagree. I still love him deeply and respect him immensely. His vote is his choice, as is mine.

Personally, I don't see Trump being in office more than four years. He has the attention span of a gnat, and I think he'll grow bored of the job and not bother seeking re-election. But also, even if he did want to taste the power for four more years, I think whoever runs against him in 2020, would win in a landslide at that point.

Four years of Trump (or Hillary) gives us, the Berniecrats/Progressives/Independents, plenty of time to work our butts off prepping Bernie-like candidates to run third party in all the elections in 2020 and beyond. Several "Berniecrats" around the country have been elected into office so far. We have to keep doing this- it doesn't matter if they're running as Blue, Green, Red, Purple, whatever color party- make sure they have the progressive values Bernie stood for so we can help transform America.

Again, all of these are just my personal feelings and decisions. I'm not advocating you vote one way or another, just hoping to shed some light on ways we can continue this revolution without it falling apart after all of our hard work.

What should you do?

It's not my place to say, though I do hope you consider your options before you just give up and fall in line. A lot of us woke up to the bullshit around us this year. If you think you'll just nap through this election now that Bernie isn't the nominee, you're doing exactly what they want... going back to sleep.

Don't fall for it. Keep fighting and pushing forward with each other. Awful and amazing Presidents will come and go. Like Bernie says, this election isn't about the President. This election is about the people, and the power we have when we come together. If we threw our support behind another "fringe candidate" right now, and we convinced Independents and unsure voters to stop the "I like ___, but..." we could break free from the two party chains easily this election.

We learned from Bernie that if millions of us stand up and fight for what is right, we CAN change this political system and we WILL do it together. 

And for that I have to say: Thank you, Bernie! You will forever be the father of this political revolution.

*Sorry for the typos. I wrote this fast and just to share quickly. I may edit as I re-read this again in the coming days. :)


  1. So might I suggest that you hold your options open and consider that if we can #LockHerUp then we can #BringBernieBack! If we can't get her arrested then we can #BernItDown. You CAN NOT build a good solid house on a rotten foundation.

    It is becoming more clear with research that #SethRich may very well have been the source of the DNC emails. It appears that he (a young Jewish DNC staffer) was murdered by those determined to see the coronation of #QueenHillary. Many are working to bring this to light.

    It is suspect that this Young Man #SethRich was a DNC staffer in charge of voting expansion and voter irregularities. He was to testify about these issues. Two short days after this man was murdered - Bernie Sanders endorsed HRC. I am not alone in my belief that this young jewish man was assassinated at that particular time to directly show the breadth and depth of the forces aligned against him. I am not alone in my belief that Bernie Sanders endorsement of HRC was coerced most likely by the additional threat of harm to his family.

    Doesn't seem far fetched when you take in to account the amount of deception, fraud, covert and overt attacks against him. My heart breaks for how he must feel for letting us down, but he is responsible for the safety and well being of his wife, children and grandchildren. You could see it on his face when he was on the stage endorsing HRC. You could see it on his face at the Convention after the leaked emails surfaced. That man was FURIOUS beyond words.

    I was angry when he endorsed HRC and then despondent but my little voice said to me that something is terribly wrong and you need to start looking. My little voice is right more often than wrong, so I began looking.

    This is ***to coin a phrase with a twist*** A VAST LEFT WING CONSPIRACY ... let that sink in. This began in 2008 --- ramped up in 2012 and has been full throttle the last 18 months I would guess. It is massive and dangerous and determined to accomplish one thing CORONATE HRC . Obama made the deal in 2008 .. that much is obvious. He does not like her, HE OWES HER! That makes me want to vomit === I so believed in him and they sucked him in.

    So if she goes to jail. It may be safe 4 Bernie 2 come back. Right now his and his families lives are in danger. He did not abandon us -- he did what he was honor bound to do FIRST - protect the lives he is responsible for. I am sure that you could see the pain he was in because he loves us too. We can feel it - you CAN NOT fake that. That little bird!!! God's creature knew it --- that this man was A GOOD MAN full of LOVE!

    You are not abandoned, I am not abandoned - The Bernicrat Revolution will sustain us until we can get him back or #BernItDown.

    Much Love & Understanding

    Sister Bernicrat (although I am old enough to b ur MoM)

  2. I completely agree with much of what you said. I am still holding out hope that maybe this Clinton Foundation IRS investigation, or a new Wikileaks release will be what takes her down. This woman is like a political zombie, every shot they take she just keeps getting back up. Somethings gotta give at some point. But all these investigations take time, and we're running out of that. Every minute that grows closer to the election, she gets closer to becoming president and we CANNOT let that happen. If she gets into office with a Democratic controlled Congress all these investigations will magically disappear. She'll find a way to silence anything against her and anyone against her and her Democratic pals will do everything to protect her against the "right wing conspiracies". At least I have faith that Trump and his people will indite her should the truths come out while he is in office. I'm not giving up hope on Bernie at all, and never will. He will always be "my president" whether he ever makes it to the White House or not. But we can't let her in that position of power. She is a dangerous woman and before we can work on any progressive agendas in this country we have to make sure the Clinton Crime Family and their political influence is put behind bars for at least one of their various crimes.

  3. Very good analysis. Thank you! Alas, I think that guy Mark, cited by the lawyer, got it right when he mentioned the Zapruder tape. I said exactly the same thing to my family at the time, and afterwards read that the President confirmed it obliquely. Since my vote clearly no longer counts, I might as well go with Jill, though she bothers me -- I'm Labor really, the kind that would have been CNT in Spain. Green Party as it now is has way too many hipsters in it and needs some callus-handed people to talk to.
